26 Apr 2015

a note form my Dream Diary : 

"25/26.04.2015 - I had a dream with 4 stigmas ( hand / wrist ), 2 bloody on the right  and 2 bloody on the left; no pain, no particular feeling; and there was also blood flow from my nose-so huge that I almost couldnt breath..then I awoke.. quite disturbing .. is oh, back in this reality.."

/no , i didn´t eat any sugar before bed-time / or watch some B-shitty-theathre/

C.Jung probably/knows what i´m talking about.

that Jodie 1976 Foster; from a "Taxi Driver" movie, with even more sexi 1976 Robert DeNiro

4 Apr 2015

Consumption art

.. i work with consumerism concept since the last year /2014/.. 
it´s not interesting that similar ideas were executed in 70´s ..  
what I find here interesting .. is the fact that (at least ) 2 people have had almost the same
visual perception of 1 curious idea